Norway – northern

This country offers countless fishing opportunities, both for freshwater and sea fishing.

Sea fishing is much easier in Norway. Personal fishing offshore, in fjords or at sea does not require a permit, but is subject to only a few common sense rules. For example, when fishing, you must be at least 100 meters from the fish farm, it is difficult to catch certain protected species, other fish species have a minimum size and smaller pieces must be released immediately, catches cannot be sold, a maximum of 18 kg of fish can be exported. Species of fish: cod, flounder and other flatfish, haddock, mackerel, halibut, wolffish, sea trout, coalfish, tusk (brosme), hake, plaice, 

Thanks to the crystal clear lakes, rivers and streams, freshwater fishing is also very attractive and you have a great chance to try it when visiting Norway. The main season runs from May to the end of summer. During this time, you will find local water resources full of healthy fish waiting for you when you throw the rod.
To do this, you will need a fishing license from the fishing rights owner, which is usually the landowner. These licenses are valid for a specific area or for a specific time, so you will need to plan ahead where you go before purchasing a license, or you will need to purchase another license for the area in which you are located.
Prices vary depending on the license.

It also depends on what catch you are interested in. If you want to catch migratory fish such as salmon, trout, or artic charr, you will have to pay an additional fee. This fee goes to the sustainability fund of these fish species. Proof of payment of this fee must be kept.

So if you want to experience authentic and unforgettable fishing experiences in Norway, plan your fishing holiday with us.

Location offer

Svolvær, Norway, Lofoten

Fishing camp Lofoten – Svolvær

from 1.530,00 Kč Per person

Manndalen Sjøbuer, Norway

Camp in Lyngen Fjord

from 3.000,00 Kč Per person

Foldvik, Norway

Fishing camp in Foldvik

from 4.200,00 Kč Per person

Sørøya, Norway

Camp in Sørvær – Sørøya

from 16.800,00 Kč Per person

Sørøya, Norway

Halibut Camp – Sørøya

from 16.000,00 Kč Per person

Nordkapp, Norway

Fishing center near Nordkapp

from 1.200,00 Kč Per person

Lofoten, Norway

Lofoten – Fishing apartments in Ballstad

from 13.500,00 Kč Per person

Lofoten, Norway

Lofoten – Fishing cabins Leknes

from 4.700,00 Kč Per person

Lofoten, Norway

Lofoten – Fisherman’s Lodge

from 925,00 Kč Per person

Sørøya, Norway

Soroya – Havfiskesenter

from 13.500,00 Kč Per person

Lakselv, Norway

Lakselv River

from 20.700,00 Kč Per person

Vågan Municipality, Norway

Vaagan Apartman (4 apartmans)

from 14.990,00 Kč Per person

Hasvik, Norway

Swingen cottage house

from 20.048,00 Kč Per person

Hasvik, Norway

Sorvaerstua cottage house

from 36.000,00 Kč Per person

Hasvik, Norway

Skipper House

from 33.990,00 Kč Per person

Hasvik, Norway

Rikarda House

from 17.488,00 Kč Per person

Hasvik, Norway

Nielsen House

from 18.403,00 Kč Per person

Hasvik, Norway

Hytte cottage house

from 17.051,00 Kč Per person

Hasvik, Norway

Hasfjord III cottage house

from 12.101,00 Kč Per person

Hasvik, Norway

Hasfjord II cottage house

from 13.346,00 Kč Per person

Hasvik, Norway

Hasfjord cottage house

from 14.938,00 Kč Per person

Hasvik, Norway

Galeriet cottage house

from 15.378,00 Kč Per person

Hasvik, Norway

Bestemors House

from 17.488,00 Kč Per person

Hasvik, Norway

Hasvik Hotel Apartman

from 16.573,00 Kč Per person

Hasvik, Norway

Hasvik Hotel

from 2.732,00 Kč Per person

Sørøya, Norway

Big Fish Adventure Resort

from 23.463,00 Kč Per person

9690 Havøysund, Norway

Havoya cottage houses

from 25.425,00 Kč Per person