Vrsar is a small fishing village on the West coast of Istria halfway between the tourist centres of Rovinj and Poreč. Dozens of small islands dot the coastline providing sheltered bays and beaches for anchoring, snorkeling and swimming. Vrsar is a popular nautical destinations due to its modern marina with all facilities.
Vrsar is easily accessible by car and by plane from all major European airports
A young family from an international environment who moved to Vrsar offers accommodation and fishing services.
Among other things, transport from / to the airport!
What fishing in the north of Croatia offers:
- Tuna fishing
- Deep-sea fishing
- Spinning
- Squid hunting
- Live bait hunting
- Inshore fishing
We offer drifting / chumming, spinning, jigging, and trolling for Bluefin Tuna. The most common method during summer, and fall is drifting for tunas.
This method involves 40-60 kgs of bait per trip. The bait consists of sardines, and different species of mackerel. With the help of a machine the bait is cut up, and thrown into the water, creating a chumline attracting all kinds of marine life, including tunas, sharks and even turtles.
During spring and winter the tunas can often be found hunting actively on the surface. That is when we use artificial lures to catch them. Depending on our guests preference, we use spinning, jigging or trolling gear to target them!
When we go bottom fishing, we target mostly smaller species like seabream, snapper, and different species of mackerel . The perfect fishes to take home for the BBQ!
The technique involves positioning the boat over structures such as reefs, and wrecks, drop anchor, and fish with bait like worms, sardines, or squid on the bottom.
Summer and autumn is a great time to target mahi mahi and bluefish on light spinning tackle! Depending on the water temp. Mahi Mahis show up in large numbers during July and August, and can be found around the offshore buoys, and floating debris. Surface lures, and casting jigs are most effective, and it is not unusual to catch dozens of fish…
Bluefish are found closer to shore, and respond well to poppers, spoons and „noisy” surface lures!
During the winter months we offer special trips for squid and cuttlefish. These little critters are not only fun to catch, but also very tasty!
From end of October until the end of March is best time to target them. We usually fish for them from a drifting boat during the low light hours in the afternoon, and early evening.
Hardly any predator will pass up a live bait. We mostly troll for Dentex, and Leerfish. A typical day of live bait trolling starts early in the morning with catching bait to fill up the live well. If our target is Dentex nothing beats a live squid, or cuttlefish, the best Leerfish bait is Mullet, or Garfish. For Dentex we troll close to the bottom around drop offs and reefs, Leerfish like surface trolled baits along shallow bays and beaches.
Shore fishing on the Istrian peninsula can be very interesting and successful! Surfcasting, shore jigging, ultralight, or spinning can bring you a variety of fish. Gilthead Seabream, Seabass, Bluefish or even Dentex and Leerfish are caught regularly! If you feel safer on land than on a boat, but still want to catch fish, we know all the right places, and we have all the right tackle for the job!
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